2005 /意大利 /喜剧 /90分钟
主演: LucaBizzarri 萨布丽娜·因帕恰托雷 ClaudioGioè MaritNissen AndreaMarikaSiviero ErnestoMahieux MitaMedici 路易吉·马利亚·伯鲁诺 帕罗·萨森内里 CarlaAstolfi StefanoFregni 马达莱娜·伊斯基亚勒 MaurizioLombardi LeoMantovani Luca Bizzarri 萨布里娜·因帕恰托雷 Claudio Gioè Ernesto Mahieux Mita Medici Carla Astolfi Paolo Kessisoglu
上映时间: 2005-10-29
剧情简介 : Not as good as I expected "E Se Domani" (which is a line of famous Italian song) is vaguely based on the true story of Mimì Rendano (Luca Bizzarri) who, after having held hostages in a bank, planned to throw the money he stole over Milan from an helicopter.... and got jailed while trying. The movie is a long flashback to tell the economic rise (and fall to bankruptcy) of Mimì, ...