2019 /法国 /剧情 /100分钟
主演: 塞西尔·德·弗朗斯 NarantsetsegDash TserendarizavDashnyam 露德温·塞尼耶 阿里耶·沃索尔特 卡特琳·萨雷 托马斯·库芒 史蒂芬·洛雷 TimothéeRégnier JeremyAlonzi GanbatUlziibayar ElyneKnauf GaliyaBarii NaranjargalBayaraa BolormaaGaliya
导演: 法比耶娜·贝尔托
剧情简介 : From "Mon initiation chez les Chamanes" by Corine Sombrun. In order to forget the death of Paul, the man of her life, Korine leaves Paris for a few weeks, to direct a report in Mongolia. Her meeting qigou.cc with the shaman Oyun will change her life: Korine has a rare gift that Oyun intends to unveil. Korine will agree to start a journey of discovery, which will lead her to dis...