2012 /捷克 /喜剧 /106分钟
主演: 米罗斯拉夫·克罗博特 翁德雷·维特希 DavidNovotn LudekSobota JaroslavaPokorná LeosNoha PavelKikincuk JanHartl NorbertLich PavlaBeretová 贾罗萨夫·佩雷斯 PetrStach VáclavNeuzil 艾琳娜·米霍洛娃 MarikaSarahProcházková David Novotn Ludek Sobota 嘉罗斯拉娃·波科娜 Leos Noha Pavel Kikincuk 扬·哈特尔 诺贝特·利希
导演: 让·普鲁斯诺夫斯基
剧情简介 : Coach Hnátek is possessed by a vision of advancing to the regionals; to achieve this goal he’s willing to berate the members of the team and to risk his own health. But it won’t be easy given the cantankerous bunch he was able to put together in his small Czech village. Based on the TV series of the same name, the film pushes the creative limits of the genre.