1970 /南斯拉夫 /歌舞 喜剧 剧情 爱情 /85分钟
主演: FranjoMajetic MirjanaBohanec 雷利亚·巴希奇 MiaOremovic TomislavZganec 维达·耶尔曼 VanjaTimer LenaPoliteo MilanMicic DraganRajakovic VikiGlovacki DragoBahun RikardBrzeska MarijanRadmilovic MihajloSmoljanovic KarloSipek RomanButina NikolaGec Franjo Majetic Mirjana Bohanec Mia Oremovic Tomislav Zganec Vanja Timer Lena Politeo Milan Micic Dragan Rajakovic
导演: Kresimir Golik
剧情简介 : 官方证实的史上最佳克罗地亚影片。1001部必看世界电影之一。 This cheerful and ironic comedy with plenty of music leads us to a year 1935., to a home of petty bourgeois family Safranek in Zagreb. Father of the family is drinking his vine and solving problems of the world in a nearby Bar, while mother of family Safranek is cooking and daydreaming about knights and lovers from novel. Her sister Mina, the old ...