2008 /印度尼西亚 /剧情 爱情 /120分钟
主演: 费迪·努里尔 利安蒂·卡特赖特 德尼斯·阿迪斯瓦拉 奥卡·安塔拉 扎斯基亚·阿迪亚·梅恰 恰丽萨·布特里 MelaniePutria 苏利亚·萨布特拉 AmakBaldjun MiekeWijaya 玛莉尼 鲁迪·沃沃尔 雷洛伊·奥斯马尼 塞伦·费尔南德斯 莫赫达尔·苏姆 斯托雷斯米·普拉布宁拉特 Melanie Putria Amak Baldjun Mieke Wijaya
导演: 哈农·布拉曼蒂约
上映时间: 2008-02-28
剧情简介 : This is a love story. But not just a simple love story. It's about how to deal with the ups and downs of life's problems in the Islamic way. Fahri bin Abdillah is an Indonesian student trying to reach his master's degree in Al-Azhar. Fatigue with the dust of Egypt. Dwell with a variety of targets and simplicity of life. Persisting with being a translator of religious books. All...